Define Assessment And Measurement Team

The Assessment and Measurement Team plays a crucial role in Learning and Development and is responsible for designing evaluation strategies, defining measurable KPIs, collecting and analyzing data to assess training need and its effectiveness, providing actionable insights for continuous improvement, and ensuring alignment with organizational goals. Set the need analysis Panel with My Team.

Set SMART Goals

An organisation’s talent development SMART goal could be something like: "By implementing a series of monthly training sessions focused on project management skills, increase the average project completion rate among team members by 15% within the next six months, contributing to the overall efficiency and success of the department." Remember, the SMART criteria provide a framework for effective goal-setting, and you can tailor them to suit the specific needs and context of your talent development initiatives. Want to set Goals check GreenLMS SMART Goals? Lets st your SMART Goals!

Implementing Training Automation

Automating workflows in the L&D department accelerates content delivery, enabling quicker dissemination of training materials. It enhances tracking and analytics, providing valuable insights into employee progress and training effectiveness. Automation streamlines administrative tasks, allowing L&D professionals to focus more on strategic program design and personalized learning initiatives. The efficiency gains contribute to cost-effectiveness, optimizing resource allocation for impactful training interventions. Do you want to Automate your training workflows today check Automation Hub. "Lets Automate your training workflow.

Employee Skill Gap Assessment

A skill gap assessment is a process that helps organizations identify the difference between the skills their employees currently possess and the skills they need to meet their business goals. This assessment is crucial for several reasons, and it plays a significant role in organizational development and success. Do Skill Gap Assessment with Green SKILL- ASSESS "Is skill Gap Analysis important to you?

Build Competencies

Building a competency framework is essential for organizational success. It establishes a clear set of expectations, ensuring employees understand the skills and behaviors required for their roles. This framework aligns individual and team competencies with the organization's goals, fostering a sense of purpose and direction. It serves as a foundation for performance management, enabling effective evaluation and development planning. Build Competency with Green Build- Comp "Lets build your competencies

Evaluate Performance

Effective performance evaluation fosters employee engagement, improves productivity, and supports organizational success. It typically includes setting clear performance metrics, conducting regular reviews, offering constructive feedback, recognizing achievements, and adjusting goals as needed to align with strategic objectives. Additionally, performance evaluation entails documenting performance data and maintaining confidentiality. It often involves a collaborative process between managers and employees, fostering communication and alignment of expectations. Evaluate Performance with our Performance Evaluator

Selfless & Influential Leaders

Selfless and influential leaders focus on the team's well-being builds strong morale, encouraging employee engagement and loyalty. Such leaders empower individuals, create a supportive environment that enhances employee satisfaction and overall organizational effectiveness. Ultimately, selfless and influential leaders play a pivotal role in shaping a harmonious workplace and achieving long-term success. Develop Selfless and Influential leaders with Green S&I Leadership. "Lets develop Selfless and Influential Leaders with Evolve platform.

Lean Approach

A Lean L&D strategy leads to streamlined processes, reduced costs, and a more agile, effective Talent development environment. It enhances efficiency by focusing on essential skills and knowledge. It ensuring training programs evolve to meet changing organizational needs. This approach emphasizes employee engagement and empowerment, ultimately aligning individual development with organizational goals. Develop your organisation’s leadership with Green Lean Approach. "lets apply Lean Approach to your Talent development process

Virtual and Classroom Training Management

Our virtual and classroom training management tool is highly beneficial for efficiently organizing, delivering, and tracking training initiatives. This tool streamlines the entire training process, allowing for seamless coordination between virtual and in-person sessions. It provides a centralized platform for scheduling classes, managing resources. This optimizes resource utilization, promotes consistency, and ensures a comprehensive approach to skill development across diverse learning environments.

Content Library

We have Course library on various topics which can be used by the L&D department to develop their training curriculum without investing much time and resource for content creation.With a well-organized content library, organizations can easily update and manage information, keeping it current and relevant. This resource hub accelerates onboarding, skill development, and problem-solving by providing quick access to relevant content. Overall, a content library enhances efficiency, knowledge-sharing, and continuous learning within an organization.

User friendly UI/ UX

Evolve’s well-designed interface ensures that users can navigate and accomplish tasks seamlessly, reducing frustration and enhancing overall satisfaction. This, in turn, leads to increased user engagement and loyalty. Additionally, a user-friendly design reduces the learning curve, making it easier for new users to adapt quickly. Ultimately, a positive UI/UX improves the overall experience for users. Lets making learning more engaging and effective

Authentification Tools

Our Talent development software has seamless authentication from OKTA, LDAP, OAUTH 2, SAML etc. Authentication tools are crucial for software to ensure secure access and protect sensitive information. These tools authenticate the identity of users, preventing unauthorized access and safeguarding against potential security breaches. Implementing authentication tools is essential for maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of software systems, instilling trust among users and stakeholders.

Online Training tools and Integration

Integrating online tools into a Learning Management System (LMS) is crucial for creating a dynamic and comprehensive educational environment. Integration facilitates seamless access, allowing educators to incorporate the latest technologies and resources to support diverse learning styles. Additionally, it promotes efficiency by centralizing resources and streamlining administrative tasks, ultimately optimizing the teaching and learning process.

Reports and Analytics

Evolve‘s Reports and analytics play a pivotal role in optimizing learning outcomes. By providing detailed insights into learner progress, engagement, and performance, these tools enable L&D professionals to make informed decisions. Analyzing data from reports helps identify areas for improvement, tailor teaching strategies, and personalize learning experiences for individual students. Additionally, it aids in assessing the effectiveness of instructional content and allows for data-driven interventions to enhance overall educational effectiveness.

Custom Reports

Our Custom reports feature is immensely useful as it enable users to generate tailored and targeted insights from their data. By allowing individuals to select specific metrics, filters, and visualizations, custom reports provide a focused view that aligns precisely with the user's analytical goals. This flexibility promotes efficiency in decision-making processes, allowing users to extract the most relevant information without being overwhelmed by extraneous data. Furthermore, custom reports enhance collaboration by enabling users to share precise data sets and analyses with colleagues and stakeholders

Customize Menubar

Our "Edit menu" option is valuable as it provides users with the flexibility to tailor your menu bar according to your preferences and needs. Users can prioritize the functions they use most frequently, streamlining your navigation through menus and reducing the time spent searching for specific options. Moreover, customization promotes a user- friendly experience, accommodating diverse preferences and work habits. It empowers individuals to create a personalized interface that aligns with their unique workflow

Our Lean Approach

Use of Evolve ensures that Lean Approach is adapted by the organization in their talent development process across the globe.It provides various features due to which it ensures that the training content aligns with the organization's overall goals and objectives.Users contribute to these goals by acquiring skills relevant to the company's strategic direction.

Centralised Content

Set SMART Goals


Automate Role based
Skill development


Learning Plan

Succession Planning

Evolve provides an environment where employees can nurture their leadership qualities and accordingly they can be provided with the certificates and Points which will help them during Annual Appraisals. There are two paths an employee can look forward to:

Leadership Development

Users aspiring for leadership roles access specific leadership development path and mentoring opportunities. If they do good mentoring and gain good feedback ratings , they get Leadership certificates and recognition

Succession Planning

Evolve provides an environment where employees can nurture their leadership qualities and accordingly they can be provided with the certificates and Points which will help them during Annual Appraisals.There are two paths an employee can look forward to

Subject Matter Expert Identification

Subject Knowledge + Leader = SME , Evolve tracks user progress and achievements, identifying individuals who excel in specific subjects.These individuals may be recognized as subject matter experts and contribute to knowledge-sharing initiatives.Once an employee completes pathway to SME in his or her domain, they will the tag of SME in the organisation.

Greenfield Solution incorporates modules on company values, ethics, and culture. Users engage with content that reinforces and promotes a positive organizational culture.

Continuous Learning for Future Growth :

Greenfield Solution encourages a culture of continuous learning for ongoing professional development. Users receive regular updates on new courses and industry trends to stay ahead as per job roles.

Feedback and Improvement Loop:

Users provide feedback on the effectiveness of the training programs. Greenfield Solution uses this feedback to continuously improve content and delivery methods.By addressing these points, Greenfield Solution aims to be a comprehensive talent developmentplatform that not only enhances individual skills but also contributes to the overall success of the organization.

Identification of Potential Talent

Assess current employees for traits such as learning eagerness, adaptability, and leadership qualities. Identify individuals exhibiting potential for growth and development within the organization by doing skill-Gap Analysis.Evaluate commitment to organizational goals as a key criterion for potential talent identification.

Goal Setting

Subsequently, collaborative goal-setting sessions ensue, wherein identified talent and organizational stakeholders craft clear and attainable objectives. The delineated goals are meticulously aligned with the individual's personal aspirations and the strategic aims of the organization, fostering synergy and coherence.

Training and Development Planning

Tailored development plans are meticulously devised for each identified talent, meticulously factoring in their unique strengths, areas for improvement, and career aspirations. This personalized approach encompasses a diverse array of learning modalities, ranging from formal training sessions to immersive mentorship experiences, alongside ample exposure to novel challenges.

Skill Development

To bolster the skill set of burgeoning talent, a multifaceted approach is adopted. This encompasses targeted training initiatives designed to fortify technical proficiencies, refine soft skills, and cultivate leadership acumen. Moreover, access to a rich array of developmental resources and tools that can be made available via software application, including workshops, courses, seminars, and industry conferences, is provided to facilitate holistic professional growth.

Mentorship and Coaching

In the nurturing environment of mentorship and coaching, emerging talent is paired with seasoned professionals adept at providing invaluable guidance, unwavering support, and constructive feedback. Regular one-on-one interactions afford ample opportunities for in-depth discussions on progress, hurdles, and avenues for career advancement.

Feedback and Performance Evaluation

A robust feedback mechanism forms the cornerstone of the talent development process, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. Through periodic performance evaluations, green talent receives constructive feedback aimed at pinpointing areas for enhancement and amplifying their innate strengths.

Opportunities for Growth

A pivotal facet of talent cultivation involves proactively creating avenues for professional advancement. This entails entrusting green talent with novel responsibilities, pivotal projects of SME and leadership development options, thereby nurturing their capabilities and broadening their experiential repertoire.

Recognition and Rewards

To underscore the value of burgeoning talent, their achievements and milestones are celebrated and duly acknowledged. Additionally, tangible incentives, rewards, and avenues for advancement are extended in recognition of their contributions and sustained growth trajectory.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Encouraging a perpetual quest for knowledge and self-improvement, Green talent is urged to embrace a mindset of continuous learning. Access to a rich tapestry of developmental resources empowers them to navigate evolving industry landscapes and dynamically adapt to emerging challenges.

Retention Strategies

Central to talent retention efforts is the cultivation of a nurturing and inclusive organizational culture, underpinned by a supportive work environment. Avenues for career progression and capability development  strategies serve as one of the important factor to fortify employee loyalty and tenure.

Succession Planning

Foreseeing future leadership needs, the organization strategically identifies potential successors from the pool of burgeoning talent. This meticulous succession planning post identifying the talent growth via the Green-talent software ensures seamless transitions in leadership roles, mitigating operational disruptions and safeguarding organizational continuity.


By meticulously implementing the "Green Talent" model, organizations can holistically nurture their workforce, engendering heightened engagement, loyalty, and a robust pipeline of future leaders poised to propel the organization towards sustained success.

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As we all are living amidst an unprecedented phase of our lives, Globally there has been tremendous changes in the way business is conducted and sustained. It has become imperative for even seasoned Organizations, to take a relook at their present way of functioning. The question is, are we and our workforce, upgrading ourselves to meet the demands of this changing world.

We are here to listen to you. Get in touch with us and our Experts are there at your side:

  • HR Consulting
  • Training Development
  • Skill Outsourcing
  • Learning and Development
  • Technology services